Enables the modification of two CSS properties of an Element based on the position of the mouse while the mouse button is down.


Events, Chain, Options


var myDragInstance = new Drag(el[, options]);


  1. el - (element) The Element to apply the transformations to.
  2. options - (object, optional) The options object.


  • grid - (number: defaults to false) Distance in pixels for snap-to-grid dragging.
  • handle - (element: defaults to the element passed in) The Element to act as the handle for the draggable element.
  • invert - (boolean: defaults to false) Whether or not to invert the values reported on start and drag.
  • limit - (object: defaults to false) An object with an x and a y property, both an array containing the minimum and maximum limit of movement of the Element.
  • modifiers - (object: defaults to {'x': 'left', 'y': 'top'}) An object with x and y properties used to indicate the CSS modifiers (i.e. 'left').
  • snap - (number: defaults to 6) The distance to drag before the Element starts to respond to the drag.
  • style - (boolean: defaults to true) Whether or not to set the modifier as a style property of the element.
  • unit - (string: defaults to 'px') A string indicating the CSS unit to append to all number values.
  • preventDefault - (boolean: defaults to false) Calls preventDefault on the event while dragging. See Event:preventDefault
  • stopPropagation - (boolean: defaults to false) Prevents the event from "bubbling" up in the DOM tree. See Event:stopPropagation


  • beforeStart - Executed before the Drag instance attaches the events. Receives the dragged element as an argument.
  • start - Executed when the user starts to drag (on mousedown). Receives the dragged element and the event as arguments.
  • snap - Executed when the user has dragged past the snap option. Receives the dragged element as an argument.
  • drag - Executed on every step of the drag. Receives the dragged element and the event as arguments.
  • complete - Executed when the user completes the drag. Receives the dragged element and the event as arguments.
  • cancel - Executed when the user has cancelled the drag. Receives the dragged element as an argument.


var myDrag = new Drag('myDraggable', {
    snap: 0,
    onSnap: function(el){
    onComplete: function(el){

//create an Adobe reader style drag to scroll container
var myDragScroller = new Drag('myContainer', {
    style: false,
    invert: true,
    modifiers: {x: 'scrollLeft', y: 'scrollTop'}
// corresponding HTML and CSS
<div id="myContainer" style="overflow: auto; width: 300px; height: 300px;">
    <!-- lots of text -->


See Also

Attaches the mouse listener to the handle, causing the Element to be draggable.




  • (object) This Drag instance.


var myDrag = new Drag('myElement').detach(); //The Element can't be dragged.
$('myActivator').addEvent('click', function(){
    alert('Ok, now you can drag.');

See Also

Detaches the mouse listener from the handle, preventing the Element from being dragged.




  • (object) This Drag instance.


var myDrag = new Drag('myElement');
$('myDeactivator').addEvent('click', function(){
    alert('No more dragging for you, Mister.');

See Also

Stops (removes) all attached events from the Drag instance. If the event is passed, it executes the 'complete' Event.




  1. event - (event) the Event that is fired (typically by mouseup). This is passed along to the 'complete' Event in addition to the element that was dragged. If you pass along any truth-y value (i.e. not false, zero, etc) the 'complete' event will be fired and that value will be passed to the 'complete' event.


var myDrag = new Drag('myElement', {
    onSnap: function(){
        this.moved = this.moved || 0;
        if (this.moved > 100){
            alert("Stop! You'll make the Element angry.");

Custom Type to allow all of its methods to be used with any DOM element via the document.id function document.id.

Adds drag-to-resize behavior to an Element using supplied options.


var myResize = myElement.makeResizable([options]);


  1. options - (object, optional) See [Drag][#Drag] for acceptable options.


  • (object) The Drag instance that was created.


var myResize = $('myElement').makeResizable({
    onComplete: function(){
        alert('Done resizing.');

See Also