Evaluates an entire form against all the validators that are set up displaying messages in-line in the page.




new Form.Validator.Inline(form[, options]);


  1. form - (mixed) A string of the id for an Element or an Element reference of the form to evaluate
  2. options - (object) a key/value set of options


  • all the options defined for Form.Validator, plus
  • scrollToErrorsOnSubmit - (boolean) if true (the default), when the user submits the form the window (or overflown parent) will scroll up to that element so it is in view. Will use Fx.Scroll if it's available, otherwise it will jump to the element.
  • scrollToErrorsOnBlur - (boolean) Defaults false, however if true blur events will be attached to inputs, triggering a scroll to relevant errored field.
  • scrollToErrorsOnChange - (boolean) Defaults false, however if true change events will be attached to inputs, triggering a scroll to the relevant errored field.
  • scrollFxOptions - (object) options for Fx.Scroll if it's available; used for scrolling to errors if scrollToErrorsOnSubmit is true.
  • showError - (function) the function used to show messages. Passed the message element which is injected into the document already and needs to have its display set to block. By default, this method uses [Fx.Reveal][] to smoothly show the message (if it is loaded), otherwise it just sets the display style to block.
  • hideError - (function) the function used to hide messages. Works exactly like the showAdvice option above, but instead is meant to hide the message. Uses [Fx.Reveal][] if possible, otherwise sets display to none.


  • all the events defined for Form.Validator, plus
  • onShowAdvice - (function) callback executed when advice is shown. Passed three arguments: an Element reference for the input being validated, an Element reference to the advice element, and the failed validator's name.
  • onHideAdvice - (function) callback exectued when advice is shown. Passed three arguments: an Element reference for the input being validated, an Element reference to the advice element, and the failed validator's name.


  • You can define a data-validators value called msgPos as the id of an element into which the validation errors for that input will be inserted. Example:

    <input data-validators="validate-email msgPos:'emailAdvice'">
      <div id="emailAdvice"></div>

Returns all the messages that an input can produce, regardless of the user input.


myFormValidator.getAllAdviceMessages(field[, force]);


  1. field - (mixed) A string of the id for an Element or an Element reference of the input
  2. force - (boolean; optional) if false, no messages are returned if the input has the string 'ignoreValidation' in its data-validators property


  • (object) An object containing information about the message. See example:

          message: string, //The message the user would see
          warnOnly: boolean, //true if this should just be a warning
          passed: boolean, //true if the current value passes validation
          validator: validator //the InputValidator instance

Retrieves the advice message for a field and a given validator name.


myFormValidator.getAdvice(field, validatorName);


myFormValidator.getAdvice(myInput, 'validate-email');


  1. field - (mixed) A string of the id for an Element or an Element reference of the input.
  2. validatorName - (string) A string that represents the validator's name as it was added to Form.Validator.


  • (element) A DOM element containing the message for the user.