Some browser properties are attached to the Browser Object for browser and platform detection.

  • Browser.Features.xpath - (boolean) True if the browser supports DOM queries using XPath.
  • Browser.Features.air - (boolean) True if the browser supports AIR.
  • Browser.Features.query - (boolean) True if the browser supports querySelectorAll.
  • Browser.Features.json - (boolean) True if the browser has a native JSON object.
  • Browser.Features.xhr - (boolean) True if the browser supports native XMLHTTP object.

'' reports the name of the Browser as string, identical to the property names of the following Boolean values:

  • - (boolean) True if the current browser is Internet Explorer.
  • Browser.firefox - (boolean) True if the current browser is Firefox.
  • Browser.safari - (boolean) True if the current browser is Safari.
  • - (boolean) True if the current browser is Chrome.
  • Browser.opera - (boolean) True if the current browser is Opera.

In addition to one of the above properties a second property consisting of the name and the major version is provided ('Browser.ie6', 'Browser.chrome15', ...).

If '' is True, all other possible properties, like 'Browser.firefox', '', ... , will be undefined.


alert(; // Alerts "ie" in Internet Explorer, "firefox" in Mozilla Firefox, "chrome" in Google Chrome, "safari" or "opera".

if ({
    // This code will only run in IE

if (Browser.firefox2){
    // This code will only run in Firefox 2

if (Browser.ie6 || Browser.ie7){
    // Please upgrade your browser

If an IE document is set to backwards compatibility mode using the X-UA-Compatible header, then the Browser object is treated as if the earlier version of the browser is running.

'Browser.version' reports the version of the Browser as number.


alert(Browser.version); // Alerts '3.6' in FireFox 3.6.13
  • Browser.Platform.mac - (boolean) True if the platform is Mac.
  • - (boolean) True if the platform is Windows.
  • Browser.Platform.linux - (boolean) True if the platform is Linux.
  • Browser.Platform.ios - (boolean) True if the platform is iOS.
  • - (boolean) True if the platform is Android
  • Browser.Platform.webos - (boolean) True if the platform is WebOS
  • Browser.Platform.other - (boolean) True if the platform is neither Mac, Windows, Linux, Android, WebOS nor iOS.
  • - (string) The name of the platform.
  • Browser.Plugins.Flash - (object) - An object with properties corresponding to the version and build number of the installed Flash plugin. Note: if flash is not installed, both Browser.Plugins.Flash.version and will return zero.
  • Browser.Plugins.Flash.version - (number) The major version of the flash plugin installed.
  • - (number) The build version of the flash plugin installed.
  • Browser.Request - (object) The XMLHTTP object or equivalent.

Executes the passed in string in the browser context.



The Browser.Engine object is deprecated since MooTools 1.3.


  • Browser.Engine.trident - (boolean) True if the current browser uses the trident engine (e.g. Internet Explorer).
  • Browser.Engine.gecko - (boolean) True if the current browser uses the gecko engine (e.g. Firefox, or any Mozilla Browser).
  • Browser.Engine.webkit - (boolean) True if the current browser uses the webkit engine (e.g. Safari, Google Chrome, Konqueror).
  • Browser.Engine.presto - (boolean) True if the current browser uses the presto engine (e.g. Opera 9).
  • - (string) The name of the engine.
  • Browser.Engine.version - (number) The version of the engine. (e.g. 950)