Prevents a class from applying itself to an element that already has had the class applied.


Determines if the class has already been applied to the element.


this.occlude(property, element)


  1. property - (string) property name for instances of this class attached to the element via Element.Storage
  2. element - (mixed) an Element or the string id of an Element to test


var Widget = new Class({
    Implements: [Class.Occlude],
    intialize: function(element){
        if (this.occlude('widget', element)) return this.occluded;
        //returns the instance already bound to the element and exits


See the two properties below for ideal usage.

The string used to bind the instance of the class to the element.


var Widget = new Class({
    Implements: [Class.Occlude],
    property: 'widget',
    intialize: function(element){
        this.element = $(element);
        if (this.occlude()) return this.occluded;
        //returns the instance already bound to the element and exits
    toElement: function(){
        return this.element;


In the example above, because we have a toElement method and because we define the property property in the class, the method occlude doesn't require any arguments as it uses these by default.