- [Online Tutorial/Demo][] [Online Tutorial/Demo]:
Here are the validators that are included in this libary. Add the className to any input and then create a new FormValidator and these will automatically be applied. See FormValidator:add on how to add your own.
Enforces that there are no spaces in the input value.
When added to a checkbox/radio button, and a list (array) of element id's can be passed in (toEnforce) to enforce validation on those fields.
<input type="checkbox" class="validate-enforce-oncheck toEnforce:['name', 'email', 'phone']"/>
//when checked, the inputs with the ids 'name', 'email', and 'phone' will also be validated on change/submit
<input type="checkbox" class="validate-enforce-oncheck enforceChildrenOf:'someParent'"/>
//when checked, all inputs inside $('someParent') will be validated on change/submit
When added to a checkbox/radio button, and a list (array) of element id's can be passed in (toIgnore) in the validatorProps to ignore validation on those fields.
<input type="checkbox" class="validate-ignore-oncheck toIgnore:['name', 'email', 'phone']"/>
//when checked, the inputs with the ids 'name', 'email', and 'phone' will NOT be validated on change/submit
<input type="checkbox" class="validate-ignore-oncheck ignoreChildrenOf:'someParent'"/>
//when checked, all inputs inside $('someParent') will NOT be validated on change/submit
When the input is checked or un-checked, the inputs defined will be toggled from ignore (if the input is un-checked) to enforce (if it is checked).
<input type="checkbox" class="validate-toggle-oncheck toToggle:['name', 'email', 'phone']"/>
//when checked, the inputs with the ids 'name', 'email', and 'phone' will be validated on change/submit
//when unchecked, they will be ignored
<input type="checkbox" class="validate-toggle-oncheck toToggleChildrenOf:'someParent'"/>
//when checked, all inputs inside $('someParent') will be validated on change/submit
//when unchecked, they will be ignored
Forces the user to check a checkbox (thing agreeing to terms and conditions).
At least one checkbox/radio is required to be checked in this node. nodeId needs to be passed to the validatorProps.
<input type="checkbox" class="validate-reqchk-bynode nodeId:'someParent'"/>
//you can also specify a selector for the parent
<input type="checkbox" class="validate-reqchk-bynode nodeId:'someParent' selector:'input.foo[type=checkbox]'"/>
At least one checkbox/radio is required to be checked in this name group. You can specify an optional label that completes the error message: "Please select a label." - it defaults to either "checkbox" or "radio" - the type of the input. By default it uses the name of the input to find all inputs with the same name but you can specify the optional validatorProps name groupName if you prefer.
<input type="checkbox" class="validate-reqchk-byname label: 'flavor'" name="favoriteFlavor"/>
Takes in the id of a start field id and compares it to make sure the given value is later than or equal to the start date. If no other input is specified it uses the current time. The other validatorProps option is afterLabel which completes the sentence "The date should be the same or after label." If you do not specify an afterLabel, either "the current time" or "the start date" is used (the latter is used if afterElement is specified);
<input type="text" name="endDate" class="validate-after-date afterElement:'startDate'"/>
//if you don't include afterElement the current time is used
Takes in the id of a end field id and compares it to make sure the given value is before or equal to the end date. If no other input is specified it uses the current time. The other validatorProps option is beforeLabel which completes the sentence "The date should be the same or before label." If you do not specify an beforeLabel, either "the current time" or "the end date" is used (the latter is used if beforeElement is specified);
<input type="text" name="startDate" class="validate-before-date beforeElement:'endDate'"/>
//if you don't include beforeElement the current time is used
Required field with an option to define what an empty value is. For example, if you have a list months in a drop down list and first option is "select month" has a value of 'null', you can define a custom-required with emptyValue='null', so it's treated as an empty value.
<select class="validate-custom-required emptyValue:'null'">
<option value="null">Select One</option>
Takes another input's id and makes sure both ranges are within the same month. Pass in the sameMonthAs value in the validatorProps as the id of the form to compare to.
<input class="validate-same-month sameMonthAs:'startDate'"/>
Takes in an id of a field and matches them together. Can also take matchName that is used in the error message (ie: password confirmations). matchName defaults to the name of the other field, which isn't always very helpful, so you should specify it.
<input type="input" class="validate-match matchInput:'password' matchName:'password'"/>
//error msg: This field needs to match the password field.
FormValidator.Extras.js includes the following key/values for localization.
- noSpace - (string) 'There can be no spaces in this input.'
- reqChkByNode - (string) 'No items are selected.'
- requiredChk - (string) 'This field is required.'
- reqChkByName - (string) 'Please select a {label}.'
- match - (string) 'This field needs to match the {matchName} field' where matchName is the name of another field
- startDate - (string) 'the start date'
- endDate - (string) 'the end date'
- currendDate - (string) 'the current date'
- afterDate - (string) 'The date should be the same or after {label}.' where label is the name of another date field
- beforeDate - (string) 'The date should be the same or before {label}.' where label is the name of another date field
- startMonth - (string) 'Please select a start month'
- sameMonth - (string) 'These two dates must be in the same month - you must change one or the other.'