Evaluates an entire form against all the validators that are set up displaying messages in-line in the page.


  • [FormValidator][]


  • [Options][], [Events][]


new FormValidator(form[, options]);


  1. form - (mixed) A string of the id for an Element or an Element reference of the form to evaluate
  2. options - (object) a key/value set of options


  • all the options defined for [FormValidator][], plus
  • scrollToErrorsOnSubmit - (boolean) if true (the default), when the user submits the form the window (or overflown parent) will scroll up to that element so it is in view. Will use [Fx.Scroll][] if it's available, otherwise it will jump to the element.
  • scrollFxOptions - (object) options for [Fx.Scroll][] if it's available; used for scrolling to errors if scrollToErrorsOnSubmit is true.


  • all the events defined for [FormValidator][]

Returns all the messages that an input can produce, regardless of the user input.


myFormValidator.getAllAdviceMessages(field[, force]);


  1. field - (mixed) A string of the id for an Element or an Element reference of the input
  2. force - (boolean; optional) if false, no messages are returned if the input has the css class 'ignoreValidation'


  • (object) An object containing information about the message. See example:

          message: string, //The message the user would see
          warnOnly: boolean, //true if this should just be a warning
          passed: boolean, //true if the current value passes validation
          validator: validator //the InputValidator instance

Retrieves the advice message for a field and a given validator name.


myFormValidator.getAdvice(field, validatorName);


myFormValidator.getAdvice(myInput, 'validate-email');


  1. field - (mixed) A string of the id for an Element or an Element reference of the input.
  2. validatorName - (string) A string that represents the validator's name as it was added to [FormValidator][].


  • (element) A DOM element containing the message for the user.