MooTools 1.2.2 and the New MooTools More

Written by Valerio Proietti on 24 April 2009 – Posted under releasesComments

Today we're releasing two goodies for you: MooTools 1.2.2 and the new MooTools More (


MooTools 1.2.2 is a mainly a bug fix release but it also includes an almost entirely new Class.js. The reasoning behind this is that the old Class.js didn't play nicely with some advanced usages of this.parent() present in the new MooTools-More. We already had the script ready and tested in the MooTools 2.0 branch so we simply "backported" it to 1.2.2. Other than providing the parent fixes, the new Class also features a much more robust inheritance model, especially when dealing with objects.

For example, the objects you implement now in a class are merged if an object with the same name is found in the class prototype:

var Animal = new Class({
    options: {
        color: 'brown',
        says: 'hissss'

Animal.implement('options', {says: 'meow'});

// Animal.prototype.options is now {says: 'meow', color: 'brown'};

This is especially useful when overriding default options in classes, such as Request.

Another object-oriented feature we introduced is that now sub-objects are actually inherited Parent-to-Child. If you implement a new option in Animal, then Cat, which is a subclass of Animal, will get the new option as well, and so will every instance already existing. An example:

var Cat = new Class({
    Extends: Animal

var kitty = new Cat();

Animal.implement('options', {nu: 'one'}); == 'one' //true == 'one' //true

This obviously also applies to methods.

Additional changes to the MooTools Core in 1.2.2 are mostly minor bug fixes.


One of the new features of MooTools-More, since the last RC, is that it is now possible access the previous state of overwritten methods of classes through Class.refractor. An example:

var Cat = new Class({
    energy: 0,
        eat: function(){

Cat = Class.refactor(Cat, {
    eat: function(){
        this.previous(); //energy++!
        alert("this cat has " + + " energy");

This functionality allows users to integrate seamlessly with existing classes, and add to existing methods without the need to subclass.

We're considering some way to make this behavior more generic for a possible inclusion in MooTools-Core 2.0.

The first RC of MooTools-More produced a lot of feedback and contributions that we've integrated as we prepared for our full release. Following this full release of the new MooTools More plugins, we'll begin adding new features quickly and regularly with what we hope will be biweekly releases.

More To Love

Written by Aaron Newton on 9 March 2009 – Posted under releasesComments

I know, sometimes when you look at the source code of MooTools you ask yourself, "How could this possibly be any better? Because it's so awesome." I am by and large always stumped by this question, as the code is so meticulously maintained by its authors.

Today, I have an answer. The only way to give you a better MooTools is to give you more of it. It's that awesome. Today, we're making MooTools awesomer.

We give you the new and improved MooTools More - the official plugin collection for MooTools. The plugins we are releasing today take the fifteen files previously in MooTools More and triple them. That's three times the awesome!