MooTools 1.2.1 Released

Written by Tom Occhino on 16 October 2008 – Posted under all, releasesComments

In keeping with our new pledge to release more often, we've been working hard lately to get 1.2.1 ready for release, and we're finally happy with it. This release brings a ton of bug fixes, and is a drop in replacement for 1.2.0. (That's right, no breaking changes!)

MooTools 1.2: It's Official!

Written by Michelle Steigerwalt on 12 June 2008 – Posted under all, news, releasesComments

I speak for everyone the MooTools team when I tell you that we are extremely happy to announce the official release of MooTools 1.2. After a year of development and six months in beta, you might call us perfectionists. But now we're finally ready to call the 1.2 release complete and stable. For those of you who have been waiting to make the switch, now would be the perfect time.

Not only has the API been completely revamped, but there have been several significant changes to the site and the way the MooTools community interacts.