Today we release MooTools Core 1.4.3 which is a small maintenance release. Upgrading from 1.4.2 should not cause any backward incompatibilities. We recommend that all users upgrade to 1.4.3 as soon as possible.
The MooTools team is very happy to announce a simultaneous update of both Core and More repositories. The past year was amazing for us. We had a great hackathon in London, we gave you MooTools 1.3, added a lot of new people to our team and improved everything around the code. The results of the MooTools survey clearly showed that we are doing the right things and we intend to make MooTools even better in 2011. We spent the past weeks fixing bugs and adding new features on both projects. This is what's new:
, focus
, blur
, reset
, change
and select
events in MooTools More:throttle
and :pause
I am also pleased to announce our newest addition to the MooTools More team, Jacob Thornton, who is a great developer, currently working for Twitter. He has put a substantial amount of work into making MooTools More even better.
Be sure to check out the updated demos in our new demos section.