
Written by Tom Occhino on 15 March 2008 – Posted under all, newsComments

With the initial release of Adobe AIR, a lot of web developers (myself included) are starting to get excited about developing rich web applications that run natively on the desktop across platforms. We've already seen several great AIR apps popping up all over the Internet, and thought we'd try our hand at creating one of our own.

Snippely was created by myself, Tom Occhino, and Valerio Proietti as our first attempt at creating a robust and useful AIR application.

What's New in 1.2: Swiff

Written by Michelle Steigerwalt on 12 February 2008 – Posted under all, features, newsComments

Today we're going to talk about Swiff, which lets you combine Flash and JavaScript to do things MooTools can't do on its own.