With the release of the Forge in December the way people contribute to MooTools has changed. The quality, amount, and the variety of plugins has amazed all of us. There are already more than 100 plugins available. In addition to that, Jacob Gube (SixRevisions) and MooTools contributor Garrick Cheung (@garrickcheung) have co-authored a new MooTools book aimed at JavaScript beginners.
Aaron has written an extensive review about MooTools in 2009. I expect 2010 to be an even better year for our Framework. As a first step we would like to invite you to meet part of the MooTools Team at the FOSDEM in February in Brussels where I will do an interesting talk about MooTools as a General Purpose Application Framework.
The real strength of MooTools, however, is you -- the community. Here are a few of the many great MooTools plugins that were released during the month of December.
Created by MooTools contributors Luis Merino
and Nathan Querido (@nfq)
, PassShark duplicates the iPhone's method of password masking. A great method for making your passworld fields a bit easier to use.
MooPix is not only a MooTools slideshow function but a method for accessing your public Flickr photos. Though no server side scripting is required, MooPix remains very small.
Notimoo is a simple Mac Growl clone made with MooTools. At only 4KB Notimoo is a lightweight but still provides the right amount of customization.
Sean McArthur has recently updated his popular Tabs class by making it more efficient and more flexible.
This Plugin by Lim Chee Aun (@cheeaun) allows a different transition for every property that is being animated.
These are just a few of the great MooTools plugins floating around the MooTools community recently. Keep up the good work and we look forward to featuring your plugins in future posts!
The foundation of every great open source project is its community. The MooTools Team creates the base framework code but it’s all of you that take the framework and build outstanding plugins. Here are some great plugins and tutorials that have been released recently.
MooShell, created by Piotr Zalewa
, is the best code pasting tool since Pastebin. MooShell allows you to paste your HTML, CSS, and MooTools javascript into the page and test. MooShell is an excellent utility for troubleshooting an issue or demonstrating your code.
MooTools contributor Mark Obcena keeto
continued his excellent series of "Up the Moo Herd" tutorials with "There's a Class For This." This post discusses Class Mutators, Mixins, and MooTools' inheritance model. Consider this post a must-read for novice and expert MooTools developers.
MooRTE is a great MooTools rich text editor. MooRTE is lightweight, customizable, and very easily skinnable. Try MooRTE out in your CMS!
Remember to upgrade your MooTools 1.1 and MooTools 1.2 builds to 1.1.2 and 1.2.4 respectively. Firefox 3.6 has removed document.getBoxObjectFor which will impact Gecko detection.
These are just a few of the great MooTools plugins floating around the MooTools community recently. Keep up the good work and we look forward to featuring your plugins in future posts!