Extends the Date native to include more powerful parsing and formatting functions; this is a further extention and depends on Date.js.




MIT-style license

Extra Date Parsers: {#Date:parsers}

In addition to the two default parsers included in Date.js, Date.Extras.js includes some additional parsers.


Date.parse('today') //"Mon Dec 10 2007 00:00:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)"
Date.parse('tomorrow') //"Tue Dec 11 2007 00:00:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)"
Date.parse('yesterday') //"Sun Dec 09 2007 00:00:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)"
Date.parse('next monday') //"Mon Dec 17 2007 00:00:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)"
Date.parse('last wednesday') //"Wed Dec 05 2007 00:00:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)"

See Also

Returns the difference between two dates in a compact format.


date.timeDiff([otherDate, joiner]);


  1. otherDate - (date) the date to compare to; defaults to the current time.
  2. joiner - (string) the string to join the values; defaults to ':'.


var example = new Date();
example.timeDiff(); //0s
example.timeDiff(); //1m:0s
example.timeDiff(); //1h:1m:0s
example.increment('hour', 2);
example.timeDiff(); //3h:1m:0s


  • (string) the compact representation of the differences in the times.




  1. otherDate - (date; optional) an optional date to use for the differential. Defaults to the current date/time.


var example = new Date();
example.timeDiffInWords(); //less than a minute ago
example.timeDiffInWords(); //about an hour ago
example.increment('hour', 2);
example.timeDiffInWords(); //about an hour from now


  • (string) the friendly version of the duration since the date


This method is now an alias for the old Date.timeAgoInWords.

Date.Extras.js includes the following key/values for localization.

  • lessThanMinuteAgo - (string) 'less than a minute ago'
  • minuteAgo - (string) 'about a minute ago'
  • minutesAgo - (string) '{delta} minutes ago' where {delta} is the number of minutes
  • hourAgo - (string) 'about an hour ago'
  • hoursAgo - (string) 'about {delta} hours ago' where {delta} is the number of hours
  • dayAgo - (string) '1 day ago'
  • daysAgo - (string) '{delta} days ago' where {delta} is the number of days
  • weekAgo - (string) '1 week ago'
  • weeksAgo - (string) '{delta} weeks ago' where {delta} is the number of weeks
  • monthAgo - (string) '1 month ago'
  • monthsAgo - (string) '{delta} months ago' where {delta} is the number of months
  • yearAgo - (string) '1 year ago'
  • yearsAgo - (string) '{delta} years ago' where {delta} is the number of years
  • lessThanMinuteUntil - (string) 'less than a minute from now'
  • minuteUntil - (string) 'about a minute from now'
  • minutesUntil - (string) '{delta} minutes from now' where {delta} is the number of minutes
  • hourUntil - (string) 'about an hour from now'
  • hoursUntil - (string) 'about {delta} hours from now' where {delta} is the number of hours
  • dayUntil - (string) '1 day from now'
  • daysUntil - (string) '{delta} days from now' where {delta} is the number of days
  • weekUntil - (string) '1 week from now'
  • weeksUntil - (string) '{delta} weeks from now' where {delta} is the number of weeks
  • monthUntil - (string) '1 month from now'
  • monthsUntil - (string) '{delta} months from now' where {delta} is the number of months
  • yearUntil - (string) '1 year from now'
  • yearsUntil - (string) '{delta} years from now' where {delta} is the number of years