Some browser properties are attached to the Browser Object for browser and platform detection.


  • Browser.Features.xpath - (boolean) True if the browser supports DOM queries using XPath.
  • Browser.Features.xhr - (boolean) True if the browser supports native XMLHTTP object.


  • Browser.Engine.trident - (boolean) True if the current browser uses the trident engine (e.g. Internet Explorer).
  • Browser.Engine.gecko - (boolean) True if the current browser uses the gecko engine (e.g. Firefox, or any Mozilla Browser).
  • Browser.Engine.webkit - (boolean) True if the current browser uses the webkit engine (e.g. Safari, Google Chrome, Konqueror).
  • Browser.Engine.presto - (boolean) True if the current browser uses the presto engine (e.g. Opera 9).
  • - (string) The name of the engine.
  • Browser.Engine.version - (number) The version of the engine. (e.g. 950)
  • Browser.Plugins.Flash.version - (number) The major version of the flash plugin installed.
  • - (number) The build version of the flash plugin installed.


  • Browser.Platform.mac - (boolean) True if the platform is Mac.
  • - (boolean) True if the platform is Windows.
  • Browser.Platform.linux - (boolean) True if the platform is Linux.
  • Browser.Platform.ipod - (boolean) True if the platform is an iPod touch / iPhone.
  • Browser.Platform.other - (boolean) True if the platform is neither Mac, Windows, Linux nor iPod.
  • - (string) The name of the platform.


  • Engine detection is entirely feature-based.