YADDM stands for "Yet Another Drop-Down Menu".
It supplies an interface for creating keyboard and mouse accessible drop-down menus. This means the class handles all related events, but it does not supply any open/close effects, ony hooks for supplying them:
The supplied demo shows how to use these.
Tested and found working on FF 3.5, IE6-8, Safari 4 (read notes) and Chrome 3
The class is very simple. you simply need to call it and it will generate a dropdown functionality on all marked ULs it assumes each li has exactly one anchor in it. sub-menues are neted ULs with specified class (default to submenu). NOTE: you can use whatever structure you would like, but you should note that the keyboard accessiblility assumes each menu item has an anchor in it. i haven't tested it, but a missing anchor might break the class
You can either use the contructor:
var menu = new YADDM();
Or use the supplied function:
the Class assigns 2 css classes to it's element:
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