Include on page:
<script src="mootools-core.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="tiny_next_select.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Simple example:
// Javascript window.addEvent('domready',function() { $('simple_contries').tinyNextSelect({ next: $('simple_states'), url: 'data_states.php' }) });
<!-- HTML --> <label for="">Country:</label> <select id="simple_contries"> <option value=''>Select your country</option> <option value='1'>Country 1</option> <option value='2'>Country 2</option> </select> <br> <label for="">State:</label> <select id="simple_states"> <option>Select country first</option> </select>
Server Side PHP:
<?php // value from selected option $value = $_GET['value']; // echo <option>...</option> //.. ?>
See Demo and Documentation for more detail.
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