TextResizer is an easy to setup plugin... The goal of this script is to provide quick Text Resizing options.
For an element to be recognized by the script, it has to contain the CSS class: "text-resize-me". Example:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Simply add the script to your page, and use:
window.addEvent('domready',function(){ var text_resizer = new TextResizer(); });
There are few options that can be specified. The container for the tool can either be a div of your own choice or, by default, the document body itself. You can also specify the sizes available.
var text_resizer = new TextResizer({ container: 'text_resizer_holder', sizes: $H({normal: "15px", big: "22px"}) });
The goal I want to achieve (and it will be down in future development) is to be able to set size specifically to a resizable element. For exemple, be able to set a normal size state that would set the font-size to X pixel and Y pixel to this other elements.
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