HTML ----------- `<div class="gallery">` `<div class="holder">` `<ul>` ... `<li><img src="../Source/Assets/img1.jpg" alt="image description" width="240" height="180" /></li>` ... `</ul>` `</div>` `<a href="#" class="prev">prev</a>` `<a href="#" class="next">next</a>` `</div>` CSS ----------- .gallery { width: 960px; } .gallery .holder { width: 100%; position: relative; overflow: hidden; } .gallery .holder ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; width: 99999px; } .gallery .holder ul li { float: left; } JavaScript: ----------- window.addEvent("domready", function() { var gallery = new slideGallery(element [, options]); }); or window.addEvent("domready", function() { var gallery = new fadeGallery(element [, options]); }); Arguments: ---------- - element [string, element] - reference to the element object. - options [object] - holder [string] - class or node for holder. Default ".holder" - elementsParent [string] - class or node for slides(elements) holder. Default "ul" - elements [string] - class or node of elements. Default "li" - nextItem [string] - class or node of the button Next. Default ".next" - prevItem [string] - class or node of the button Prev. Default ".prev" - stop [string] - class or node of Stop button. Default ".stop" - start [string] - class or node of Play button. Default ".start" - speed [integer] - speed of sliding in ms. Default 600 - steps [integer] - quantity of elements which are scrolled for one step. Default 1 - current [integer] - number of an element with which begins scrolling. Default 0 - currentClass [string] - className of an element with which begins scrolling. Default "current" - transition [object] - transition effect. Default "sine:in:out" - direction [string: "horizontal", "vertical"] - sliding direction. Default "horizontal" - mode [string: "callback", "circle", "line"] - sliding mode. Default "callback" - nextDisableClass [string] - className for the button Next in a disabled state. Default "next-disable" - prevDisableClass [string] - className for the button Prev in a disabled state. Default "prev-disable" - random [boolean] - random set of slides. Default false - paging [boolean] - on\off handles. Default false - pagingEvent [string] - event which fire the paging. Default "click" - pagingHolder - class or node for paging holder. Default ".paging" - autoplay [boolean] - on\off autoplay. Default false - autoplayOpposite [boolean] - on\off opposite autoplay. Default false - duration [integer] - autoplay interval in ms. Default 4000 - stopOnHover [boolean] - on\off scrolling when the cursor over gallery. Default true - onStart [function] - callback ones after initialization - onPlay [function] - callback after each scrolling
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