PictureSlider 0.7.4

PictureSlider allows you to create an unobtrusive and easy-to-control
picture preview box, controlled by two arrows on the sides, or by keyboard.
Optional caption is displayed in a panel at the bottom of the box.
core/1.4.3: [Class, Element.Style, Fx.Tween]
How to use
A div element can be turned into a picture slider by creating an instance
of the PictureSlider class, supplying an array of entries
describing the image source and an optional caption:
<script src="mootools.js"></script>
<script src="picture-slider/Source/picture-slider.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="picture-slider/Source/picture-slider.css" />
<div id="picture-slider" style="width: 900px; height: 600px"></div>
document.addEvent('domready', function() {
var pc = new PictureSlider($('picture-slider'), [
src: 'image1.jpg',
caption: 'Description of image1.',
src: 'image2.jpg',
caption: 'Description of image2.',
- The size of the box is set by the width and height style attributes of the div.
- If the caption key is left out, the bottom panel is not shown.
In addition to images, you can also supply HTML content:
var pc = new PictureSlider($('picture-slider'), [
content: 'Text to appear inside the frame.',
- By default, the content is centered in the vertical. For top alignment,
append 'center: false,' below the content attribute.
The images can be switched by the left and right keyboard arrows.
The picture slider can be styled by amending
or extending the CSS defined in Source/picture-slider.css.
Options can be supplied as the third argument to the constructor.
The options available are described in the reference below.
var pc = new PictureSlider($('picture-slider', [
src: 'image1.jpg',
caption: 'Description of image1.',
src: 'image2.jpg',
caption: 'Description of image2.',
], {
arrows: 'small',
duration: 'long',
center: false,
controls: {
opacity: 0.5,
duration: 500,
caption: {
opacity: 0.5,
duration: 'long',
text: {
duration: 500,
Release Notes
- 0.7.4 (2021-08-01):
- Fixed freezing when mouse moves out of the element.
- 0.7.3 (2021-08-01):
- Fixed switching of captions.
- 0.7.2 (2021-08-01):
- Fixed resizing and scaling of content.
- 0.7.1 (2021-07-31):
- 0.7 (2021-07-31):
- Support for touch events.
- Support for resizing.
- Fixed keyboard events in Chrome.
- 0.6 (2012-02-20):
- Fixed a number of issues with IE7.
- 0.5 (2012-02-20):
- Fixed interference between multiple picture sliders on a single page.
- 0.4 (2012-02-03):
- Fixed image scaling.
- Fixed vertical centering of frame content.
- 0.3 (2012-02-03):
- Fixed interference between multiple picture sliders on a single page.
- 0.2 (2012-02-03):
- Fixed horizontal centering of frame content.
- 0.1 (2012-02-02):
Class Pictureslider
Animated picture slider.
Events, Options
PictureSlider Method: contructor
var ps = new PictureSlider(obj, images[, options])
- obj - (object) Object which is turned into a picture slider. div is
recommended. Dimensions of the picture slider are determined
by the dimensions of this object.
- images - (array) Array of objects describing the images. The objects
can have to following properties:
- src - (string, optional) The image source.
- caption - (string, optional) Caption to be shown in the bottom panel.
- link - (string, optional) Make the entire frame a hyperlink pointing to link.
- content - (string, optional) HTML content of the frame.
- center - (boolean: defaults to Enable vertical centering.
- options - (object, optional) See below.
- arrows - (string: defaults to 'medium') Size of the arrows. Can be one of:
- 'small' - Small arrows.
- 'medium' - Medium-sized arrows.
- 'large' - Large arrows.
- caption (object) An object with the following properties:
- opacity - (number: defaults to 0.8) Opacity of the caption.
- duration - (number: defaults to 'short') The duration of the caption height transition effect in ms. Also see below.
- center - (boolean: defaults to true) Enable vertical centering.
- controls (object) An object with the following properties:
- opacity - (number: defaults to 0.8) Opacity of the controls (the left and right arrow).
- duration - (number: defaults to 'short') The duration of the controls fade effect in ms. Also see below.
- duration - (number: defaults to 'short') The duration of the slide effect in ms. Also see below.
- text (string) An object with the following properties:
- duration - (number: defaults to 200) The duration of the caption text fade effect in ms. Also see below.
The duration property can also be one of:
- 'short' - 250ms
- 'normal' - 500ms
- 'long' - 1000ms
Fired when the slider is switched to another image.
- image - (object) The image object as supplied to the PictureSlider constructor.
var pc = new PictureSlide(obj, images);
pc.addEvent('change', function(image) {
if (image.src)
console.log('Switched to the image ' + image.src);
PictureSlider Method: switchTo
Switch to the image number n.
- n - (number) The index of the image starting from 0.
- (object) The image object.
var pc = new PictureSlider(obj, [
{'src': 'img1.jpg', caption: 'First image.' },
{'src': 'img2.jpg', caption: 'Second image.'},
pc.switchTo(1) // Switch to the second image.
PictureSlider Method: left
Switch to the image on the left.
- (object) The object of the image on the left.
PictureSlider Method: right
Switch to the image on the right.
- (object) The object of the image on the right.