MooTools FileManager 1.3.4
A filemanager for the web based on MooTools that allows you to (pre)view, upload and modify files and folders via your browser.
- Browse through Files and Folders on your Server
- Rename, Delete, Move (Drag&Drop), Copy (Drag + hold CTRL) and Download Files
- View detailed Previews of Images, Text-Files, Compressed-Files or Audio Content
- Nice User Interface ;)
- Upload Files via FancyUpload (integrated Feature)
- Option to automatically resize big Images when uploading
- Use it to select a File anywhere you need to specify one inside your Application's Backend
- Use as a FileManager in TinyMCE or CKEditor
- Provides your client with the most possible convenience
- Create galleries using the Gallery-Plugin
- History and state management
- sometimes "illegal character (Error #2038) mootools-core-1.3.js (line 5015)" when uploading multiple files
- Array.Extras
- String.QueryString
- Hash
- Element.Delegation
- Element.Measure
- Fx.Scroll
- Fx.SmoothScroll
- Drag
- Drag.Move
- Assets
- Tips
How to use
- Open the "Demos/" folder and have fun
First you need to include the follwing scripts
- Source/FileManager.js
- Source/Uploader/Fx.ProgressBar.js
- Source/Uploader/Swiff.Uploader.js
- Source/Uploader.js
- Source/Gallery.js (if you want to create a gallery, see example in the Demos/index.html)
- Language/Language.en.js (or the language(s) do you need)
Then you need to modify the "Demos/manager.php" or "Demos/selectImage.php" to set up your upload folder etc
See the "Demos/index.html" for examples, but basically you need to do the following:
var myFileManager = new FileManager({
url: 'path/to/the/manager.php',
assetBasePath: '../Assets'
Configurable Options
- url: (string) The base url to a file with an instance of the FileManager php class (FileManager.php), without QueryString
- assetBasePath: (string) The path to all images and swf files used by the filemanager
- directory: (string, relative to the directory set in to the filemanager php class) Can be used to load a subfolder instead of the base folder
- language: (string, defaults to en) The language used for the FileManager
- selectable: (boolean, defaults to false) If true, provides a button to select a file
- destroy: (boolean, defaults to false) Whether to allow deletion of files or not
- rename: (boolean, defaults to false) Whether to allow renaming of files or not
- download: (boolean, defaults to false) Whether to allow downloading of files or not
- createFolders: (boolean, defaults to false) Whether to allow creation of folders or not
- filter: (string) If specified, it reduces the shown and upload-able filetypes to these mimtypes. possible options are
- image: *.jpg; *.jpeg; *.bmp; *.gif; *.png
- video: *.avi; *.flv; *.fli; *.movie; *.mpe; *.qt; *.viv; *.mkv; *.vivo; *.mov; *.mpeg; *.mpg; *.wmv; *.mp4
- audio: *.aif; *.aifc; *.aiff; *.aif; *.au; *.mka; *.kar; *.mid; *.midi; *.mp2; *.mp3; *.mpga; *.ra; *.ram; *.rm; *.rpm; *.snd; *.wav; *.tsi
- text: *.txt; *.rtf; *.rtx; *.html; *.htm; *.css; *.as; *.xml; *.tpl
- application: *.ai; *.bin; *.ccad; *.class; *.cpt; *.dir; *.dms; *.drw; *.doc; *.dvi; *.dwg; *.eps; *.exe; *.gtar; *.gz; *.js; *.latex; *.lnk; *.lnk; *.oda; *.odt; *.ods; *.odp; *.odg; *.odc; *.odf; *.odb; *.odi; *.odm; *.ott; *.ots; *.otp; *.otg; *.pdf; *.php; *.pot; *.pps; *.ppt; *.ppz; *.pre; *.ps; *.rar; *.set; *.sh; *.skd; *.skm; *.smi; *.smil; *.spl; *.src; *.stl; *.swf; *.tar; *.tex; *.texi; *.texinfo; *.tsp; *.unv; *.vcd; *.vda; *.xlc; *.xll; *.xlm; *.xls; *.xlw; *.zip;
- hideClose: (boolean, defaults to false) Whether to hide the close button in the right corner
- hideOnClick: (boolean, defaults to false) When true, hides the FileManager when the area outside of it is clicked
- hideOverlay: (boolean, defaults to false) When true, hides the background overlay
Options if Uploader is included
- upload: (boolean, defaults to true)
- uploadAuthData: (object) Data to be send with the GET-Request of an Upload as Flash ignores authenticated clients
- resizeImages: (boolean, defaults to true) Whether to show the option to resize big images or not
- onComplete(path, file): fired when a file gets selected via the "Select file" button
- onModify(file): fired when a file gets renamed/deleted or modified in another way
- onShow: fired when the FileManager opens
- onHide: event fired when FileManager closes
- onPreview: event fired when the user clicks an image in the preview
- See Backend/FileManager.php for all available server-side options
Custom Authentication
- As Flash and therefore the Uploader ignores authenticated clients you need to specify your own authentication. In order to do this you need to provide a custom "UploadIsAuthenticated" function on the serverside and you need to specify "uploadAuthData" on the client.
Loosely based on a Script by Yannick Croissant