How to use
var mooSweeper = new MooSweeper(target[, options]);
- target - (mixed) The element or the string id of the element the MooSweeper will be injected in.
- options - (object, optional) The options object described below:
- where - (string) where to inject the MooSweeper (like (Element.inject)[]). Defaults to 'bottom'.
- preset - (string) One of the presets easy, medium (the default) or hard.
- rows - (number) This property will overwrite the preset.
- cols - (number) This property will overwrite the preset.
- minesContingent - (number) Must be between 0 and 1. Overwrites the preset. If you have a 10×10 field and a minesContingent of 0.13, there are 13 mines.
- caption - (string) Pass an empty string if you don't want a caption. Defaults to 'MooSweeper'.
- countdown - (number) Pass the number of seconds the user to finish the game. If 0 (the default), there will be no maximum time.
- minimumTime - (bool) Whether to save the minimum time locally in a cookie and fire minimumtime events. Defaults to true.
- css - (string) Can be CSS, the path to a CSS file or the name of a provided style. Defaults to 'Moo'.
- symbols - (object) - The labels of cells in a specific state.
- covered - (string) The label of a covered cell. Defaults to '?'.
- marked - (string) The label of a marked cell. Defaults to '!'.
- mine - (string) The label of a mine. Defaults to '·' (entity of •).
- gameOptions - (object) Options of the bar with displays and buttons.
- interface - (string) A string containing the names of game options in percent signs. Can contain html, too. Defaults to '<div class="third first">%minesLeft%</div><div class="third second">%smiley%</div><div class="third last">%countdown%</div>', which makes the first game option left-aligned, the second centered and the third right-aligned.
- where - (string) Can be 'top' (the default) or 'bottom'
- smiley - (object) The labels of the smiley button in different states.
- running - (string) Defaults to ':-)'.
- won - (string) Defaults to ':-D'.
- lost - (string) Defaults to 'X-('.
- unsure - (string) When the user is clicking on a cell. Defaults to ':-O'.
- status - (object) The labels of the status display.
- running - (string) Defaults to 'Running'.
- won - (string) Defaults to 'Won!'.
- lost - (string) Defaults to 'Lost!'.
- newGame - (string) The title of the button. Defaults to 'New Game'.
Game options
- newGame - A button to start a new game
- smiley - The smiley in the Windows minesweeper. You can click on it to start a new game.
- status - Status text (e.g. "running").
- cells - The number of cells.
- mines - The number of mines on the field.
- cellsLeft - How many cells you have to click on in order to clear the field. Updates.
- minesLeft = Number of mines - number of marked cells.
- time - number of seconds
- countdown - Displays the number of seconds you have left.
- minimumTime - Displays the personal minimum time.
- onWin - (function) The function to execute when the user has won. Passed the number of seconds he it has taken to clear the field.
- onLose - (function) The function to execute when the user has lost. Passed the reason (a string, 'mine' or 'time'). Defaults to function(reason) { if(reason == 'time') alert('Time\'s up!'); }.
- onMinimumtime - (function) The function to execute when the user has archived a new minimum time. Passed the number of seconds. Defaults to function(time) { alert('New minimum time: '+time+' seconds'); }.
- onNewgame - (function) The function to execute when a new game is started.
- setCSS(css) - if you want to change the css during the game (have a look at the demo!)
- newGame() - starts a new game
- showMines() - will show all mines and, if game wasn't finished, fires the lose event
- showAll() - shows all cells and, if game wasn't finished, fires the lose event
- easy - { rows: 8, cols: 8, minesContingent: 0.16 } (64 cells, 10 mines)
- medium - { rows: 16, cols: 16, minesContingent: 0.16 } (256 cells, 41 mines)
- hard - { rows: 16, cols: 30, minesContingent: 0.21 } (480 cells, 101 mines)
Provided styles
- Moo - Based on the style of the MooTools website
- Dread - A dark, military style
Have a look at the DOM and the provided CSS files if you want to create your own style.
var mooSweeper = new MooSweeper(document.body, {
onLose: function() {
this.newGame(); // Automatically start new game
where: 'top', // inject the element at the top
caption: 'Minesweeper clone',
css: 'Dread', // military style
gameOptions: {
interface: '<center>%newGame%</center>' // only a button to start a new game
Have a look at the source code of the demo, too.