Moory Popins is a nifty widget, written in MooTools framework, that allows you to show popin (modal) windows within a web page. Browsers that doesn't support CSS Transitions will utilize Javascript fading instead. Settings currently allow you to show the information in an Iframe or if you want the popin in a fixed position (follows the user when scrolling)
Javascript snippet to initialize the class:
window.addEvent("domready", function() { MP = new MooryPopins({ src: "MooryPopins.html", iframe: false, fixed: true, onShow: function() { console.log("opening"); }, onLoad: function() { console.log("loaded"); }, onClose: function() { console.log("closing"); }, onChange: function() { console.log("set new uri"); } }); });
CSS selector to style the overlay and its siblings, eg:
ARTICLE#overlay-popin {} ARTICLE#overlay-popin + SECTION {}
iframe: (boolean) Show the response in an IFRAME or a DIV? | default: false (a DIV) fixed: (boolean) Does the popin have a fixed position? If yes, it will follow the user when scrolling | default: false src: (string) Path to the resource you want to display | default: "about:blank" duration: (integer) How long should the transitions take? In milliseconds. | default: 250 cssClass: (string) If you want to supply an additional css-class to the <section> | default: "" css: (object) Some default CSS class-/id-names that are used. Change these if they're conflicting with your webpage position: (object) If you want to set the position of the SECTION, currently only the key "top" is used. | default: 0 offset: (object) If you want to offset the position of the SECTION, currently only the key "top" is used. | default: 0 evalScript: (boolean) If you want to evaluate javascript in the HTML-response. Only used when "iframe" is false | default: true onShow: Triggers callback when the user opens popin onLoad: Triggers callback when the request has loaded onChange: Triggers callback when user sets new source of the popin onClose: Triggers callback when the user closes popin
The following methods are availible publicly:
populate: takes string and fetches resource to display in the popin hasTransition: returns boolean for wether the browser supports CSS Transitions or not closeObj: closes and disposes the passed object getPrefix: returns the browser vendor prefix
JS Fiddle can be found here:
However, it doesn't seem to work well with cross-site ajax requests, nor opening iframes within iframes. But at least it's up there.
Version 1.4.5
* Added option evalScript, wether to evaluate javascript in the HTML-response * Hopefully squashed the last bugs in IE8
Version 1.4.1
* Updated inline docs * Refactored _close to closeObj
Version 1.4
* Added option "position" and "offset" making it slightly easier to move the modal box
Version 1.3
* Added option cssClass, easier to allow different styling for different modals
Version 1.2
* Fixed bug with position fixed/absolute. Moved the section-layer outside the overlay * Added a private method to display objects * Added some nicer CSS for when the popin fades in/out.
Version 1.1
* Added multiple callbacks that you can set via options; onShow, onLoad, onChange, onClose. * Fixed some coding inconsistencies * Made hasTransition and getPrefix publicly availible
Version 1.0
* First version
Known bugs that hopefully will be squashed in future releases
* None atm
Future features I'd like to implement
* postMessage API between MooryPopins and any iframe being opened * Please create an issue on github if you have any nifty ideas!
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Found a bug in this plugin? Please report it this repository's Github Issues.
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