MooContentAssist is a javascript library that add a content assist feature to textareas in your webpage.
MooContentAssist is based on MooTools 1.3.1 and works with FireFox, Chrome, Safari, IE7/8.
all (sorry I should investigate about which More classes are needed.)
How to use
1-You need a textarea with the html id, example:
<textarea id="myeditor">
Lorem Ipsum
2-Then include the MooContentAssist.js and CSS (and MooTools if you already haven't)
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="MooContentAssist.css" />
<script src="js/lib/mootools-core-1.3.1-full-nocompat.js"></script>
<script src="js/lib/mootools-more-"></script>
<script src="Source/MooContentAssist.js"></script>
3-Istantiate a new MooContentAssist
<script type="text/javascript>
var editorAssisted = new MooContentAssist( {
"vocabulary" : {
"key0": null,
"key1": ["subkey1","subkey2","subkey3"],
"key2": {
"subsubkey1": null,
"subsubkey2": ["a","b","c"],
"subsubkey3": {
"a": null,
"b": ["1","2","3"]
- Configurable results window style
- Configurable vocabulary object/namespace
- Full working with FireFox, Chrome/Chromium, Safari, IE7/8
Parameters Options Mandatory
- source - default: null
- vocabulary - default: null
Parameters Options Extra
- frameSize - default: 3
- animationDuration - default: 75
- vocabularyDiscoverer - default: true
- vocabularyUrl - default: null
- vocabularyUrlParam - default: "ns"
- vocabularyUrlMethod - default: "get"
- windowPadding - default: {x: 0 y: 5}
- itemType - default: "li"
- itemsContainerType - default: "ul"
- matchedTextItemType - default: "span"
- aggressiveAssist - default: true
- namespaceAllowed - default: ["()", "$"]
- css.item - default: "item"
- css.itemsContainer - default: "itemsContainer"
- css.itemSelected - default: "itemSelected"
- css.messageItem - default: "message"
- css.matchedText - default: "matched"
- labels.nothingFound - default: "Nothing was found."
- labels.ajaxError - default: "Error while retrieving data."
- vocabularyManager_Render - default: function(obj) {
- vocabularyManager_Extract - default: function(namespace,vocabulary) {
- vocabularyManager_GetVocabulary - default: function(namespace) {
Eeverything works if you give the right json words object.
Use this as root:
vocabulary: {
If the key doesn't have sub-keys you must use an array with strings:
"key_without_subkeys": ["word1","word2","word3"]
If the key has sub-keys you must use objects:
"key_with_subkeys": {
"subkey1": ["word","word","word"],
"subkey2": ["word","word","word"],
"subkey3": ["word","word","word"]
Obviously you could have infinite sub-levels :)
Please see index.html in the git repo if you need a working example. :)
- 14 Mar 2011 v.080.3 - namespace parser, fixed "charAt()" problem with IE7
- 08 Mar 2011 v.080.2 - namespace parser, now with allowed chars (or strings) in the namespace
- 08 Mar 2011 v.080.1 - configurable items container inside the main box
- 06 Mar 2011 v.080 - MooTools 1.3, several bugfixing, internal API rewritten.* 01 Jul 2010 v0.70.4 - converter from xml to words object, fixed bug on foundlist, fixed bug on assist window position
- 27 Jun 2010 v0.70 - theme changer, new demo with theme toggler
- 11 Jun 2010 v0.70 - configurable number of item shown in the box
- 10 Jun 2010 v0.70 - scrollable result box, scrollable result box shows always the current item in the middle
- 04 Jun 2010 v0.68 - few standard methods for positioning, css rules methods
- 24 May 2010 v0.68 - fixed textarea scroll when inserting keywords, fixed assistWindow position
- 23 May 2010 v0.66 - first dot fixed, occurence text highlight fixed, animation now is a parameter
- 22 May 2010 v0.64 - ie7 fixes
- 21 May 2010 v0.63 - added events "click" and "over" to the shown items, when showing assistWindow first item is already selected, added "." trigger
- 21 May 2010 v0.60 - added styles for items, window positioning
- 20 May 2010 v0.55 - fixed textarea events
- 16 May 2010 v0.25 - fixed words data structure
- 15 May 2010 v0.15 - added completed text, events and keys
- 13 May 2010 v0.0 - hello word