Moock is a package of tools for JS TDD development, specifically designed for Class development. The 2 main tools supplied are:
Since v0.8, Moock's Stub is now cross-lib, and supports advanced expectation settings. It's syntax is also slightly changed. Moock currently support these test libs:
The basic stubbing mechanism was inspired by the mechanism described in Test Driven Javascript Development.
For creating stubs, we create a new Moock.Stub instance:
var stub = new Moock.Stub([retunedValue])
The returned object provides the following helpers for the supported librarys:
var stub = new Moock.Stub() .called(1) .receive(["a","b"]) .returnedValue("aabb"); console.log(stub("a","b")); //aabb stub.test();
For chaining, the library supplies a helper variable - Moock.return_self:
var obj = { stub : new Moock.Stub().returnedValue(Moock.return_self) }; assertTrue(obj === stub());
The returned value can also be a function. If so, the function will be used when the stub is called, receiving the passed arguments:
var stub = new Moock.Stub(function(a,b){return a+b}); console.log(stub("a","b")); //ab
Lastly, for those who want to use the library with non-supported libraries, the Stub object also supllies these low-leveled properties that you can use to test your stubs:
var stub = new Moock.Stub('aaa'); console.log(stub("a")); //aaa console.log(stub.used); //1 console.log(stub.args); //["a"]
If you wish to add support for more libraries, simply add them to the Moock.Libraries object. Each addition should be an object containing the folowing properties/methods:
For more usage details, look up Libraries.Extra.js.
This tool allows you to create a mock of a JS object. The constructor accepts 3 arguments:
Usage Example:
//some basic constructor function Construct(a,b){ this.a = a; this.b = b; } //adding methods Constructs.prototype = { doSomething : function(){ console.log(this.a); } , doElse : function(){ this.doSomething(); } }; var test = false, old = Constructor; //keeping the old constructor //MOCKING HERE \/ Constructor = new Moock.Mock( Construct, { doSomething : function(){ test = true; } } , function(a,b){ Moock.Assert.areEqaul(a,'a'); Moock.Assert.areEqual(b,'b'); Moock.Assert.areEqaul(this.a,'a'); Moock.Assert.areEqual(this.b,'b'); } ); (new Constructor('a','b')).doElse(); Constructor = old; //returning the constructor to its original value Moock.Assert.isTrue(test,"do something should have been called");
The package adds a new Class Mutator called Mock. It receives a literal object containing a list of method names to mock paired with returned value. NOTE - all stubbed methods are full Moock.Stub instances
/* simple usage */ var mock = new Class({ Mock : { 'methodA' : 'aaa' } }); var m = new mock; assertFalse(m.methodA.called); assertEquals("aaa",m.methodA('bbb')); assertTrue(m.methodA.called); assertEquals(['bbb'],m.methodA.args);
var cls = new Class({ methodA : function(){/* do something */ } }); var mock = new Class({ Extends : cls , Mock : { 'methodA' : 'aaa' } }); var m = new mock; assertTrue(m instanceof cls); assertTrue(isStub(m.methodA));
var cls = new Class({ methodA : function(){} methodB : function(){ console.log(this.methodA("a","b","c");) } }); var mock = new Class({ Extends : cls , Mock :{ methodA : "bbb" } }); var m = new mock; m.methodB(); //logs "bbb" assertEqauls(["a","b","c"],m.methodA.args);
The package also comes with a helper function - getMock - that creates a mock that is an instance of a certain Class. If that Class is not defined, the helper will create a mock of that Class. This is useful for dependency injection tests:
var mock = getMock('ClassA',{ doSomething : 'something' }); var m = new mock; assertTrue(m instanceof ClassA); //works whether there is a real ClassA or not
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