AJAX graph with MooTools.
First you should create element in which you want to create graph. It can be something like:
<div id="myGraph"></div>
After that data array must be created. There are two types available: simple and stacked.
Array for simple type should be like this and everything except value is optional:
new graphData = new Array( [value1,label1,color1,url1,tooltip1], [value2,label2,color2,url2,tooltip2], ..... [valueN,labelN,colorN,urlN,tooltipN] );
For stacked type also only value is required and everything else is optional. It should look similar to next code:
new graphData = new Array( [[value11,value12,...,value1M],label1,color1,url1,tooltip1], [[value21,value22,...,value2M],label2,color2,url2,tooltip2], ..... [[valueN1,valueN2,...,valueNM],labelN,colorN,urlN,tooltipN] );
After you create container and data, you have to create mooBarGraph object with prepared arguments.
window.addEvent('domready', function() { var myGraph = new mooBarGraph({ container: $('myGraph'), data: graphData }); })
This will be enought to create bar graph based on your data, but you can pass few additional options. List of options is in next section.
You should always have container and data options:
container // element in which you want mooBarGraph to be created data // array of data for mooBarGraph
Other options are optional (list is shown with default values):
width: 400 // width of graph panel in px height: 300 // height of graph panel in px title: false // graph title. can use html tags barSpace: 10 // space between bars in px color: '#111111' // default color for your bars colors: false // array of colors. it will be used for parts of stacked type or will be repeated for simple type sort: false // 'asc' or 'desc', this can be used only for simple type prefix: '' // string that will be show before bar value postfix: '' // string that will be shown after bar value legend: false // set to true if you want to lefend box be created legendWidth: 100 // width of legend box in px legends: false // array of values for legend showValues: true // for stacked bars type only. false to hide values in sub bars. showValuesColor: '#fff' // color for values in parts for stacked type realTime: false // refreshing graph with new data in real time
All you have to do is to call draw() function of your mooBarGraph object and pass url that will return data in JSON format.
Example usage:
<a href="#" onclick="myGraph.draw('ajaxdata.php')>click here for new data</a>
for($i=0;$i<10;$i++){ $ajaxData[$i][] = rand(-5,5); } $ajaxData = json_encode($ajaxData); echo $ajaxData;
The draw() function also can accept array as argument and create graph dynamicly.
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