Gradually 2.1

Gradually offers API, a slide show, and a thumbnail gallery using ImageDrawer.

ImageDrawer is needed to use this library. Please download it from the following site.

ImageDrawer Library


Noritaka Horio
Current version
GitHub Issues



  • _self_/_current_:
    • Core/Core
    • Core/Array
    • Core/String
    • Core/Number
    • Core/Function
    • Core/Object
    • Core/Event
    • Core/Browser
    • Core/Class
    • Core/Class.Extras
    • Core/Slick.Parser
    • Core/Slick.Finder
    • Core/Element
    • Core/Element.Style
    • Core/Element.Event
    • Core/Element.Dimensions
    • Core/Fx
    • Core/Fx.Transitions
    • More/Assets
    • ImageDrawer/ImageDrawer
    • ImageDrawer/ImageDrawer.Grid
    • ImageDrawer/ImageDrawer.Expand
    • Gradually/Gradually

How to use


Step1 Reading of library.

Please confirm whether imagedrawer is read in the beginning. The script element is added in the head element, and the library is read.

<script type="text/javascript" src="../Demos/js/libraries/image-drawer/ImageDrawer.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../Demos/js/libraries/image-drawer/ImageDrawer.Grid.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../Demos/js/libraries/image-drawer/ImageDrawer.Expand.js"></script>

Step2 HTML description of main.

HTML to use Gradually becomes as follows.

<div id="gallery" class="gradually">
    <ul class="graduallyImages">
        <li><img title="image1 title" alt="image1 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo1.jpg" width="650" height="275" /></li>
        <li><img title="image2 title" alt="image2 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo2.jpg" width="650" height="275" /></li>
        <li><img title="image3 title" alt="image3 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo3.jpg" width="650" height="275" /></li>
        <li><img title="image4 title" alt="image4 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo4.jpg" width="650" height="275" /></li>
        <li><img title="image5 title" alt="image5 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo5.jpg" width="650" height="275" /></li>
        <li><img title="image6 title" alt="image6 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo6.jpg" width="650" height="275" /></li>

Step3 Description of javascript.

When the description of HTML ends, the following describe javascript. ImageDrawer is made an instance, and it specifies it for the option of Gradually.

var drawer = new ImageDrawer.Grid({
    'gridHeight': 55,
    'gridWidth': 65,
    'interval': 70,
    'duration': 600,
    'transition': 'expo:in'

var container ="gradually");
var images = container.getElements(".graduallyImages li img");

var gradually = new Gradually(container, {
    'images': images,
    'drawer': drawer, //Instance of ImageDrawer
    'onDrawStart': function(panel, drawer) {
        $("message").set("html", "drawStart");
    'onDrawComplete': function(panel, drawer) {
        $("message").set("html", "drawComplete");

To switch the image, the set method is executed.

gradually.set(5); //It switches to the fifth image.


  • drawer: (object) - Instance of ImageDrawer.
  • images: (array) - Image element to display.
  • zIndex: (number) - The hierarchy and the default of the layer are 9000.
  • defaultIndex: (number) - Image displayed first.
  • onPreload: (function) - When preload of the image is completed, this event is generated.
  • onSelect: (function) - When the image changes, it is generated. In the first argument, the number and the second argument in the selected image are the panel object.
  • onDrawStart: (function) - When drawing of the image begins, it is generated. The first argument is a panel object, and the second argument is an instance of ImageDrawer.
  • onDrawComplete: (function) - When drawing of the image is completed, it is generated. The first argument is a panel object, and the second argument is an instance of ImageDrawer.
Panel Object
  • width: (number) - Width of image.
  • height: (number) - Height of image.
  • title: (string) - Title of image.
  • alt: (string) - Additional information in image.
  • src: (string) - Url of image.
  • image: (element) - Image element.
  • canvas: (element) - Canvas element.


Step1 Reading of library.

Please confirm whether imagedrawer is read in the beginning. The script element is added in the head element, and the library is read.

<script type="text/javascript" src="../Demos/js/libraries/image-drawer/ImageDrawer.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../Demos/js/libraries/image-drawer/ImageDrawer.Grid.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../Demos/js/libraries/image-drawer/ImageDrawer.Expand.js"></script>

Step2 HTML description of main.

HTML to use Gradually.Slideshow becomes as follows.

<div id="gallery" class="gradually">
    <ul class="graduallyImages">
        <li><img title="image1 title" alt="image1 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo1.jpg" width="650" height="275" /></li>
        <li><img title="image2 title" alt="image2 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo2.jpg" width="650" height="275" /></li>
        <li><img title="image3 title" alt="image3 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo3.jpg" width="650" height="275" /></li>
        <li><img title="image4 title" alt="image4 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo4.jpg" width="650" height="275" /></li>
        <li><img title="image5 title" alt="image5 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo5.jpg" width="650" height="275" /></li>
        <li><img title="image6 title" alt="image6 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo6.jpg" width="650" height="275" /></li>
    <p class="titlebar">
        <strong class="title"></strong>
        <span class="current"></span>&nbsp;/&nbsp;<span class="total"></span>

Step3 Description of javascript.

When the description of HTML ends, the following describe javascript. ImageDrawer is made an instance, and it specifies it for the option of Gradually.Slideshow.

var expand = new ImageDrawer.Expand({
    'slideWidth': 65,
    'interval': 70,
    'duration': 600,
    'transition': 'expo:in:out'

var gallery ="gallery");
var images = gallery.getElements(".graduallyImages li img");

new Gradually.Slideshow(gallery, {
    'drawer': expand,  //Instance of ImageDrawer
    'images': images,
    'interval': 3000


  • drawer: (object) - Instance of ImageDrawer.
  • images: (array) - Image element to display.
  • zIndex: (number) - The hierarchy and the default of the layer are 9000.
  • interval: (number) - Interval when image is switched.
  • titleClass: (string) - Class of element that sets title of present image.
  • currentClass: (string) - Class of element that sets present image number.
  • totalClass: (string) - Class of element that sets the number of sheets of image.
  • onPreload: (function) - When preload of the image is completed, this event is generated.
  • onSelect: (function) - When the image changes, it is generated. In the first argument, the number and the second argument in the selected image are the panel object.
  • onDrawStart: (function) - When drawing of the image begins, it is generated. The first argument is a panel object, and the second argument is an instance of ImageDrawer.
  • onDrawComplete: (function) - When drawing of the image is completed, it is generated. The first argument is a panel object, and the second argument is an instance of ImageDrawer.


Step1 Reading of library.

Please confirm whether imagedrawer is read in the beginning. The script element is added in the head element, and the library is read.

<script type="text/javascript" src="../Demos/js/libraries/image-drawer/ImageDrawer.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../Demos/js/libraries/image-drawer/ImageDrawer.Grid.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../Demos/js/libraries/image-drawer/ImageDrawer.Expand.js"></script>

Step2 HTML description of main.

HTML to use Gradually.Gallery.js becomes as follows.

<div id="gallery" class="gradually">

    <div class="graduallyView">
        <ul class="graduallyImages">
            <li><img title="image1 title" alt="image1 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo1.jpg" width="650" height="275" /></li>
            <li><img title="image2 title" alt="image2 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo2.jpg" width="650" height="275" /></li>
            <li><img title="image3 title" alt="image3 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo3.jpg" width="650" height="275" /></li>
            <li><img title="image4 title" alt="image4 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo4.jpg" width="650" height="275" /></li>
            <li><img title="image5 title" alt="image5 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo5.jpg" width="650" height="275" /></li>
            <li><img title="image6 title" alt="image6 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo6.jpg" width="650" height="275" /></li>
            <li><img title="image7 title" alt="image7 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo7.jpg" width="650" height="275" /></li>
            <li><img title="image8 title" alt="image8 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo8.jpg" width="650" height="275" /></li>
            <li><img title="image9 title" alt="image9 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo9.jpg" width="650" height="275" /></li>
            <li><img title="image10 title" alt="image10 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo10.jpg" width="650" height="275" /></li>
            <li><img title="image11 title" alt="image11 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo11.jpg" width="650" height="275" /></li>
            <li><img title="image12 title" alt="image12 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo12.jpg" width="650" height="275" /></li>
        <p class="titlebar">
            <strong class="title"></strong>
            <span class="current"></span>&nbsp;/&nbsp;<span class="total"></span>

    <ul class="graduallyController">
        <li class="prev"><a title="prev" href="#">prev</a></li>
            <ul class="graduallyThumbnails">
                <li><a href=""><img title="image1 title" alt="image1 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo1_thumb.jpg" /></a></li>
                <li><a href=""><img title="image2 title" alt="image2 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo2_thumb.jpg" /></a></li>
                <li><a href=""><img title="image3 title" alt="image3 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo3_thumb.jpg" /></a></li>
                <li><a href=""><img title="image4 title" alt="image4 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo4_thumb.jpg" /></a></li>
                <li><a href=""><img title="image5 title" alt="image5 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo5_thumb.jpg" /></a></li>
                <li><a href=""><img title="image6 title" alt="image6 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo6_thumb.jpg" /></a></li>
                <li><a href=""><img title="image7 title" alt="image7 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo7_thumb.jpg" /></a></li>
                <li><a href=""><img title="image8 title" alt="image8 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo8_thumb.jpg" /></a></li>
                <li><a href=""><img title="image9 title" alt="image9 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo9_thumb.jpg" /></a></li>
                <li><a href=""><img title="image10 title" alt="image10 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo10_thumb.jpg" /></a></li>
                <li><a href=""><img title="image11 title" alt="image11 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo11_thumb.jpg" /></a></li>
                <li><a href=""><img title="image12 title" alt="image12 discription" src="../Demos/images/img_demo12_thumb.jpg" /></a></li>
        <li class="next"><a title="next" href="#">next</a></li>

Step3 Description of javascript.

When the description of HTML ends, the following describe javascript. ImageDrawer is made an instance, and it specifies it for the option of Gradually.Gallery.

var drawer = new ImageDrawer.Expand({
    'slideWidth': 65,
    'interval': 70,
    'duration': 300,
    'transition': 'expo:out'

var container ="gallery");
var images = $$(".graduallyImages li img");

var gallery = new Gradually.Gallery(container, {
    'images': images,
    'drawer': drawer,  //Instance of ImageDrawer
    'controller': {
        'disableOpacity': 0.2


  • drawer: (object) - Instance of ImageDrawer.
  • images: (array) - Image element to display.
  • zIndex: (number) - The hierarchy and the default of the layer are 9000.
  • titleClass: (string) - Class of element that sets title of present image.
  • currentClass: (string) - Class of element that sets present image number.
  • totalClass: (string) - Class of element that sets the number of sheets of image.
  • controller: (object) - Thumbnail controller's options.
  • onPreload: (function) - When preload of the image is completed, this event is generated.
  • onSelect: (function) - When the image changes, it is generated. In the first argument, the number and the second argument in the selected image are the panel object.
  • onDrawStart: (function) - When drawing of the image begins, it is generated. The first argument is a panel object, and the second argument is an instance of ImageDrawer.
  • onDrawComplete: (function) - When drawing of the image is completed, it is generated. The first argument is a panel object, and the second argument is an instance of ImageDrawer.
Thumbnail controller options
  • defaultIndex: (number) - Image displayed first. Default is 0.
  • prepage: (number) - Number of displayed thumbnail images. Default is 5.
  • controllerClass: (string) - Thumbnail controller's class. Default is 'graduallyController'.
  • containerClass: (string) - Class of thumbnail image. Default is 'graduallyThumbnails'.
  • prevClass: (string) - Class of previous button. Default is 'prev'.
  • nextClass: (string) - Class of previous button. Default is 'next'.
  • disableOpacity: (number) - Transparencys other than current image. Default is 0.4.


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