This package supplies a family of classes that use the Google Charts API to create chart images. They greatly simplify the process of creating such graphs. The package currently support 3 chart types:
I've only implemented the parts of these APIs that seemd most useful to me.
var columns = new GCharts.Columns([ {name:'foo', value:10} , {name:'bar' , value:20} ],{ target : document.body });
var lines = new GCharts.Pie([ {name:'foo', value:10} , {name:'bar' , value:20} ],{ target : document.body });
var lines = new GCharts.Liens([ { name : 'foo' , value : [0,10,15,10,24,50,33,40]} { name : 'bar' , value : [10,30,50,22,33,44]} ],{ target : document.body });
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