This is an extendtion to Class that allows extending Classes in a ruby like syntax. This implementation was inspired by the very cool Def.js lib.
To create a new Class from scratch, we can use both the default Class construction method, or like this:
new Class.def("Preson") << new Class({ initialize : function(name){ = name; console.log('My Name Is '+name+' And I Am '+this.power+' strong!'); } ,power : 1 });
To extend a Class (this can be done with any Class):
new Class.def('Ninja') << new Person({ power :20 }); new Person('Bob'); //My Name is Bob And I Am 1 strong! new Ninja('Lee'); //My Name Is Lee and i am 20 strong!
NOTE: It is very important that you use the new operator on both, or the execution order will get break
This should work on any instance of Class, no matter how it was defiened.
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