This little Class priveds an interface with which you can send messages to screen reader. This can be helpful to notify the reader that a certain part of the page was mdified/updated, or for creating interactive widgets that also work for screen readers.
NOTE: I don't have the mney for a screen reader, so I've created this Class according to various articles and recommendations on the web. If you have a screen reader or access to one, I'll be happy to hear how this Class actually functions
The Class's messaging mechanism uses the aria-live attribute. This attribute tells the screen reader to notify the user whenever the element's content is changed. The Class uses a hidden element in the page to update new content. The Class can either receive an element that you created, or create one of it's own. Usage example can be:
var AM = new ARIAMessager; /* simple use */ AM.writeMessage("I've just added new content"); /* real world example for notifing on AJAX changed */ req = new Request.HTML({ onSuccess : function(html){ var message = "New Update Received. To read it, press control g"; /* this function should focus on the element. Not a reccomended way to use this, but its only a demo */ function goto(e){ $('updated').set('tabindex',100); document.removeEvent('keydown:keys(control+g)',goto); e.stop(); } AM.writeMessage(message); document.addEvent('keydown:keys(control+g)',goto); } , url : 'path/to/somewher' , update : $('updated') }).send();
The Class also provides a helper tool for clearing JAWS virtual buffer (should work for v7+):
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