MooTools Core 1.4.5 is a maintenance release for the 1.4 branch.
1.4.5 brings a critical bugfix for Fx.CSS
which caused many troubles for tweening and morphing your element styles. The bug was caused by a fix in 1.4.4 which should improve animating other length units like %
or em
(see #2160. Many of you noticed the bug and filled bugreports and also helped us testing this new release.
We have improved our tests and are planning to freeze the code for a new release for a longer period so we can gather more feedback to prevent potential regressions. If you're interested in testing a new release in your application, you can ping us on IRC (#mootools on, Twitter (@mootools / @astolwijk) or in the MooTools User Group.
Send us issues (tickets) or feature requests to the MooTools Core Issues or report your problems in the MooTools User Group.
Get it!
- Download MooTools Core 1.4.5; Build MooTools Core 1.4.5
- Fork / clone MooTools 1.4.5 from GitHub, and build it yourself with Packager.
- Google CDN (which should be updated soon)
- Browse the Documentation